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Send TCC Your List of Large Projects for Funding


Project Financing:   Cowtown Palace

Client has a need to build a new show/theater type seating for large entertainment center. Center will seat approximately 1,700 to 2,500 individuals and serve ordered meals and drinks for shows. Shows will be of the upmost scale, family, professionals performers, popular C & W Singers and Entertainers, other types such as Oldies, past 50-60's, as well as comedy performers, other acts, possible boxing, other.  What makes this place so unique is the client has contracts with Pay-Per-View and Streaming.   Theater will be constructed to the latest, state of the art, sound and camera systems to place on pay-per-view, streaming, or tape. 

Client/Owner is a well known radio host, recognized nationally.  Youngest member inducted to the Country Music Hall of Fame.  Client has real connections to all major performers, knows most personally, and normally hoist about 10 sell-out concerts per year himself at present in the large coliseums. Besides the theater shows being a good profit center itself, the Pay-Per-View is a rich added bonus to weekly shows. Some examples of popular entertainers draw from 1 to 7 million added customers from Pay-Per-View from televised, purchased time, in Germany, Japan, Europe, Norway, just to name a few.

Project will be located in Haltom City, Texas, just off a major freeway.  Entry-ways and Exits will be provided by TXDOT and Haltom City has also place infrastructure to property, both entities about $4M in subsidies, Architect and drawings have been designed, in place by well know Architect Firm in the Dallas area.

Project needs approximately $15M in construction cost, and approximately $5M in a line of credit to start on.

Client is looking for strong finance group or short term equity partners.

Contact TCC on is Customer feedback form if you have any interest.

Funding For New Manufacturing.

TCC is looking for first phase funding to build new oil field Frac Pumps.  Client has designed a new frac pump design that all be eliminates "Cavitation" inside pumps. Cavitation is what destroys all pumps.   Client, "Raptor Pumps" has patents on all their new fluid end and parts within.  Average large Frac Pumps on the job site will typically run 5-7 days, then have to be brought into shop for total dismantle and repair.  Cost of Frac Pumps are average $175K.  Repairs are typically $50-$75K.  Raptors new designed parts have been tested up to 17,000 hours with little to no wear. His design has also removed the mono-block that most every major pump uses on fluid ends, and designed a "bolt-together" cylinders, for easy repair.  So if a large frac unit goes down in the field, instead of taking the truck to the shop for 3-5 days of rebuild, the pump can be repaired onsite in 2-3 hours. Just unbolt one cylinder, remover, repair, or replace, bolt back in place and put to work.  Typical Frac jobs will use 18-to 25 large frac trucks with 5 standby units in case one unit goes down, it can be replace fast and easily.  These trucks are charged out at average of $35K per hour, per unit.  As you can see, a easily repaired unit, and a unit that last much longer than any other manufactured parts, will be simple sell.

The Raptor Fluid end can also be mounted to most any other existing mainframe pump, brand/model, and used with the Raptor Fluid end.  

Raptor will sell new manufactured pumps, or fluid ends for your older existing mainframes, or all parts to repair.  A 160,000 SQ. FT. manufacturing building is in place, some tooling.  A loan from $5M to $10M with a line of Credit up to $10M is needed to start this manufacturing plant in production.

When operational, Raptor Pumps is expected to capture at least 80% of the entire frac pump business within 2 years.   Frac pump business is a $30B per year business.  Worse case, if Raptor only captures 1% that's a $300M per year business.

Raptor is looking for straight, short term finance or short term equity partners.

Contact TCC on is Customer feedback form if you have any interest.

Project Financing:

TCC's client, "Maverick CNG" is starting a new business for filling large trucks with natural gas; LPG/NPG gas.  Most trucks using a natural gas fuel, take an hour or more to fill.   Client has built a new portable compression station, and backed it with patents, that can fill trucks in average time compared to diesel fill time. Maverick will buy a 10 acre tract of land near Van Alstyne, Texas. Tie into a major natural gas line for product supply.  Maverick will then fill its patented haul trailer to go to large truck yards such as Pepsi Cola, Frito Lay, City yards for equipment, trucks, buses that run on LPG, and fill onsite.  There is also future contacts with trains, other major industries.  Maverick needs approximately $5M in startup capital, and $10M line of credit as it grows rapidly.  Maverick will grow to a $168M company within three years.

Maverick has also negotiated contracts with large energy companies like Devon, Apache, others, to buy their flared gas at $0.25, and fill their drilling rigs, trucks and equipment back with for $2.75 per gallon. As well small 5 gal containers used in BBQ pits, RV's, other.  Example in contact with Lowes and Home Depot, who on average buy 80,000 truck loads of these small filled containers.

Maverick is poised with a very lucrative position with the gas companies who have no market, and created a market to fit a very niche business.

Maverick is looking for short term loan, or short term equity partner.

If you have any interest in Maverick CNG company please use TCC's Customer feedback form.